Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Notes to Self: Bauble Babble

Hiya, everybody. I was just at my other blog; making a couple of new entries in Apprenticeship of Niki Tasha. Niki is a person who has applied to immigrate to Canada and asked to be an apprentice - long distance ! - to learn designing and beading techniques while she waits for the wheels of governments to roll.
Well, the apprenticeship is at the other blog. I have several categories over there and that's where I will be posting stuff relevent to my beading challenge journey. So, if you are at all interested, and of course I hope you are, jump over there and look at what I've got going.
I am eager to improve what I've got so all critiques will be received with the utmost good cheer. If I don't know what to fix, it's a pretty sure bet it won't get fixed.
I've begun making friends at andmorebjp08. Today I visited briefly with Diane from Puyallup, WA. We found we have travelled to each other's side of our shared continent. That's kinda neat.
At least that's what I think. Glass0

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